all postcodes in WS14 / BURNTWOOD

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS14 9JJ 18 0 52.662374 -1.734731
WS14 9JL 4 0 52.670485 -1.743969
WS14 9JN 15 2 52.670946 -1.748853
WS14 9JP 13 0 52.680111 -1.792849
WS14 9JQ 4 0 52.673138 -1.784807
WS14 9JR 20 2 52.673938 -1.761377
WS14 9JS 22 0 52.674476 -1.760517
WS14 9JT 28 1 52.673198 -1.764398
WS14 9JU 19 6 52.672637 -1.762945
WS14 9JW 3 0 52.678911 -1.781444
WS14 9JX 28 0 52.672608 -1.76591
WS14 9JY 3 0 52.671002 -1.776788
WS14 9JZ 2 0 52.672952 -1.772275
WS14 9LA 2 0 52.67233 -1.780989
WS14 9LB 12 1 52.673135 -1.778315
WS14 9LD 2 0 52.673311 -1.772125
WS14 9LE 15 1 52.672095 -1.765632
WS14 9LF 6 0 52.670941 -1.76376
WS14 9LG 2 1 52.668954 -1.764399
WS14 9LH 7 1 52.671191 -1.762975