all postcodes in WS14 / BURNTWOOD

find any address or company within the WS14 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS14 9NJ 33 0 52.675577 -1.762492
WS14 9NL 9 0 52.674211 -1.767602
WS14 9NN 48 0 52.67649 -1.760801
WS14 9NP 7 0 52.677499 -1.761713
WS14 9NQ 22 0 52.676969 -1.757545
WS14 9NS 1 0 52.677994 -1.762184
WS14 9NT 5 0 52.680276 -1.761165
WS14 9NU 10 0 52.676961 -1.762337
WS14 9NW 1 1 52.683936 -1.801012
WS14 9NX 1 0 52.67798 -1.759669
WS14 9NZ 1 0 52.674646 -1.759909
WS14 9PA 48 0 52.676992 -1.759793
WS14 9PB 4 0 52.667937 -1.777025
WS14 9PD 20 0 52.674811 -1.757172
WS14 9PE 11 0 52.672177 -1.75701
WS14 9PG 14 0 52.671672 -1.756302
WS14 9PH 18 0 52.676575 -1.762458
WS14 9PL 1 0 52.674926 -1.765099
WS14 9TW 1 0 52.656052 -1.767462
WS14 9PN 6 3 52.654468 -1.766716