all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 1DD 7 0 52.753589 -1.929976
WS15 1DE 22 0 52.755559 -1.931622
WS15 1DF 13 1 52.752021 -1.923533
WS15 1DG 1 1 52.755224 -1.927222
WS15 1DJ 26 0 52.751659 -1.933184
WS15 1DL 69 0 52.756575 -1.931324
WS15 1DN 32 4 52.75448 -1.932078
WS15 1DP 25 0 52.752268 -1.929983
WS15 1DQ 42 1 52.755469 -1.930645
WS15 1DU 32 5 52.747482 -1.924317
WS15 1DS 3 0 52.750801 -1.927802
WS15 1DT 5 0 52.749353 -1.92618
WS15 1DW 15 0 52.754841 -1.933105
WS15 1DX 38 6 52.744936 -1.921477
WS15 1DY 13 1 52.74401 -1.921419
WS15 1DZ 8 0 52.74393 -1.92179
WS15 1EA 12 0 52.756161 -1.930792
WS15 1EB 8 1 52.74249 -1.919645
WS15 1ED 26 3 52.743602 -1.916956
WS15 1PU 15 10 52.744473 -1.902754