all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2DG 22 2 52.760587 -1.937181
WS15 2DJ 7 1 52.760399 -1.936653
WS15 2DL 6 0 52.759311 -1.937692
WS15 2DN 23 12 52.758851 -1.936309
WS15 2DP 19 8 52.758771 -1.936063
WS15 2DQ 8 0 52.760066 -1.937513
WS15 2DR 14 9 52.759436 -1.936165
WS15 2DS 1 1 52.759068 -1.935751
WS15 2DT 6 6 52.759526 -1.935321
WS15 2DU 5 5 52.759256 -1.935217
WS15 2DX 1 1 52.75922 -1.93541
WS15 2DY 17 10 52.759075 -1.934501
WS15 2DZ 36 3 52.758633 -1.931212
WS15 2EA 16 0 52.759263 -1.931483
WS15 2EB 9 0 52.758435 -1.930077
WS15 2ED 16 0 52.75777 -1.930893
WS15 2EE 37 0 52.752942 -1.946961
WS15 2EF 2 0 52.757249 -1.93197
WS15 2EG 37 1 52.75734 -1.933175
WS15 2EH 21 4 52.758446 -1.933826