all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2PF 9 0 52.764039 -1.95578
WS15 2PG 10 1 52.765243 -1.955393
WS15 2PH 3 0 52.76301 -1.945748
WS15 2PJ 12 0 52.76417 -1.94634
WS15 2PL 12 0 52.763774 -1.94557
WS15 2PN 54 0 52.762892 -1.943852
WS15 2PP 39 0 52.764457 -1.945317
WS15 2PQ 11 0 52.764605 -1.955868
WS15 2PR 21 0 52.764502 -1.944605
WS15 2PS 20 0 52.764106 -1.943702
WS15 2PT 35 0 52.764951 -1.944709
WS15 2PU 44 0 52.765635 -1.944915
WS15 2PW 40 0 52.76353 -1.943688
WS15 2PX 37 0 52.766075 -1.945848
WS15 2PY 38 12 52.765879 -1.948635
WS15 2PZ 37 0 52.766561 -1.945729
WS15 2QA 19 0 52.767324 -1.944098
WS15 2QB 69 0 52.7679 -1.945016
WS15 2QD 50 1 52.768106 -1.946419
WS15 2QE 60 0 52.768594 -1.948824