all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 0DT 27 0 52.586022 -2.027188
WS2 0DU 26 9 52.585276 -2.024472
WS2 0DX 16 0 52.585537 -2.023395
WS2 0DY 12 0 52.585277 -2.022317
WS2 0DZ 10 0 52.584945 -2.017136
WS2 0EA 37 1 52.580655 -2.02444
WS2 0EB 35 0 52.586076 -2.024635
WS2 0ED 40 0 52.587289 -2.027204
WS2 0EE 30 0 52.587963 -2.029507
WS2 0EF 24 0 52.586786 -2.024325
WS2 0EG 14 0 52.588556 -2.028489
WS2 0EH 34 0 52.591388 -2.028904
WS2 0EJ 31 0 52.593087 -2.029584
WS2 0EL 8 0 52.591011 -2.027796
WS2 0EN 12 0 52.59253 -2.02889
WS2 0EP 52 0 52.594229 -2.027518
WS2 0EQ 21 1 52.58995 -2.027899
WS2 0ER 37 0 52.593213 -2.028374
WS2 0ES 41 0 52.593654 -2.027149
WS2 0ET 42 0 52.593088 -2.026277