all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 9BB 0 52.571093 -2.007201
WS2 9BD 0 52.571227 -2.00968
WS2 9BE 0 52.573474 -2.01123
WS2 9BG 0 52.574886 -2.009179
WS2 9BH 0 52.573969 -2.009577
WS2 9BJ 0 52.57352 -2.010403
WS2 9BL 0 52.573169 -2.001078
WS2 9BN 0 52.575003 -2.007895
WS2 9BP 3 52.572603 -1.997994
WS2 9BQ 0 52.574455 -2.009046
WS2 9BS 0 52.571021 -1.999883
WS2 9BU 0 52.569978 -2.00124
WS2 9BW 2 52.57325 -1.995707
WS2 9BX 1 52.571569 -1.99677
WS2 9BY 0 52.569969 -1.997788
WS2 9BZ 3 52.569897 -2.000414
WS2 9DE 0 52.569888 -2.003188
WS2 9DF 0 52.568611 -2.003365
WS2 9DG 1 52.568558 -2.002096
WS2 9DH 0 52.568567 -1.999957