all postcodes in WS3 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS3 2BB 2 52.60992 -1.996915
WS3 2BD 3 52.609659 -1.997121
WS3 2BE 0 52.608328 -1.997092
WS3 2BG 0 52.60814 -1.996723
WS3 2BH 1 52.607681 -1.996103
WS3 2BJ 10 52.607555 -1.995748
WS3 2BL 1 52.607232 -1.997934
WS3 2BN 3 52.608005 -1.998908
WS3 2BP 3 52.609641 -1.998229
WS3 2BQ 8 52.608562 -1.995586
WS3 2BS 0 52.608886 -1.999292
WS3 2BT 0 52.61027 -1.999115
WS3 2BU 0 52.607582 -1.997757
WS3 2BW 0 52.608113 -1.998126
WS3 2BX 0 52.610234 -2.000208
WS3 2BY 0 52.610819 -2.000725
WS3 2BZ 0 52.6115 -1.999774
WS3 2DA 2 52.61152 -1.999056
WS3 2DD 1 52.611268 -2.000016
WS3 2DE 0 52.611394 -2.000932