all postcodes in WS3 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS3 5BD 12 0 52.636337 -1.969089
WS3 5BE 19 0 52.636643 -1.970551
WS3 5BG 14 0 52.635851 -1.970094
WS3 5BH 51 0 52.634548 -1.970198
WS3 5BJ 33 0 52.634665 -1.97073
WS3 5BL 8 0 52.635168 -1.969296
WS3 5BN 5 0 52.635644 -1.967951
WS3 5BP 8 0 52.636552 -1.966252
WS3 5BS 7 0 52.636282 -1.966931
WS3 5BT 12 0 52.6371 -1.965039
WS3 5BU 11 0 52.636677 -1.965852
WS3 5BW 17 0 52.6371 -1.966798
WS3 5BX 5 0 52.637496 -1.966709
WS3 5BY 7 0 52.638044 -1.966679
WS3 5BZ 21 0 52.637658 -1.967536
WS3 5DA 50 0 52.633694 -1.97277
WS3 5DB 38 0 52.633479 -1.974809
WS3 5DD 20 0 52.634162 -1.973745
WS3 5DE 16 0 52.633911 -1.975001
WS3 5DF 16 0 52.633767 -1.975976