all postcodes in WS6 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS6 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS6 6BH 0 52.663489 -2.013353
WS6 6BJ 0 52.662491 -2.013959
WS6 6BL 0 52.662374 -2.015023
WS6 6BN 0 52.663362 -2.015379
WS6 6BP 0 52.663776 -2.01665
WS6 6BQ 2 52.663794 -2.014166
WS6 6BS 0 52.662697 -2.016458
WS6 6BT 0 52.663317 -2.01699
WS6 6BU 0 52.662841 -2.01736
WS6 6BW 0 52.662679 -2.015423
WS6 6BX 1 52.661987 -2.017522
WS6 6BY 1 52.661268 -2.014772
WS6 6BZ 0 52.660827 -2.015038
WS6 6DA 0 52.66071 -2.017374
WS6 6DB 0 52.660926 -2.016058
WS6 6DD 0 52.661456 -2.018305
WS6 6DE 0 52.66027 -2.016205
WS6 6DF 0 52.660863 -2.018808
WS6 6DG 0 52.658643 -2.011829
WS6 6DH 0 52.657987 -2.011769