all postcodes in WS7 / BURNTWOOD

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS7 0BT 3 52.678697 -1.91559
WS7 0BU 0 52.677635 -1.914498
WS7 0BW 0 52.677644 -1.9133
WS7 0BX 0 52.675765 -1.913792
WS7 0BY 0 52.676834 -1.913035
WS7 0BZ 0 52.675819 -1.913289
WS7 0DA 0 52.678564 -1.918564
WS7 0DB 0 52.676123 -1.912194
WS7 0DF 0 52.677219 -1.911097
WS7 0DG 0 52.677272 -1.908849
WS7 0DH 0 52.676356 -1.910862
WS7 0DJ 0 52.675611 -1.911721
WS7 0DL 0 52.678897 -1.918489
WS7 0DP 7 52.67665 -1.908325
WS7 0DQ 0 52.67658 -1.909871
WS7 0DS 1 52.676318 -1.907934
WS7 0DT 0 52.675179 -1.911841
WS7 0DU 0 52.674909 -1.911338
WS7 0DW 7 52.677477 -1.906911
WS7 0DX 2 52.674273 -1.916657