all postcodes in WS7 / BURNTWOOD

find any address or company within the WS7 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS7 1FL 0 52.686123 -1.948462
WS7 1FN 0 52.684272 -1.950535
WS7 1FP 0 52.685072 -1.948981
WS7 1FQ 0 52.684389 -1.949795
WS7 1GH 0 52.68413 -1.934722
WS7 1GN 0 52.688295 -1.940322
WS7 1HP 0 52.689139 -1.938516
WS7 1JG 0 52.683846 -1.941408
WS7 1JH 2 52.687099 -1.939348
WS7 1JJ 1 52.68655 -1.939422
WS7 1JN 0 52.68549 -1.939217
WS7 1JP 6 52.682377 -1.938031
WS7 1JQ 0 52.683319 -1.949589
WS7 1JR 24 52.682134 -1.934621
WS7 1JS 7 52.681638 -1.934778
WS7 1JT 0 52.683146 -1.945566
WS7 1JU 0 52.683723 -1.94947
WS7 1JW 0 52.683961 -1.93913
WS7 1JX 0 52.685933 -1.944127
WS7 1JY 0 52.681963 -1.937262