all postcodes in WS7 / BURNTWOOD

find any address or company within the WS7 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS7 4RE 0 52.675316 -1.928316
WS7 4RF 0 52.676027 -1.929202
WS7 4RG 0 52.676098 -1.927693
WS7 4RH 0 52.677644 -1.928194
WS7 4RJ 0 52.678255 -1.928644
WS7 4RL 0 52.679263 -1.928295
WS7 4RN 0 52.679039 -1.929582
WS7 4RP 0 52.680306 -1.928914
WS7 4RQ 0 52.677123 -1.927692
WS7 4RR 1 52.678371 -1.927446
WS7 4RS 0 52.679459 -1.926179
WS7 4RT 0 52.679134 -1.924139
WS7 4RU 0 52.678532 -1.924362
WS7 4RW 0 52.679569 -1.929344
WS7 4RX 0 52.677696 -1.924348
WS7 4RY 0 52.678281 -1.926019
WS7 4RZ 0 52.677076 -1.925059
WS7 4SA 0 52.67589 -1.925786
WS7 4SB 0 52.67686 -1.924231
WS7 4SF 0 52.667445 -1.92058