all postcodes in WS9 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS9 8AA 28 14 52.605251 -1.918826
WS9 8AD 1 1 52.605118 -1.918301
WS9 8AH 35 0 52.606136 -1.920735
WS9 8AJ 1 1 52.602513 -1.921199
WS9 8AN 7 2 52.60647 -1.923363
WS9 8AP 14 1 52.607891 -1.923937
WS9 8AQ 89 0 52.608054 -1.926506
WS9 8AT 39 2 52.608869 -1.921808
WS9 8AU 34 0 52.608536 -1.921484
WS9 8AW 24 1 52.607099 -1.923436
WS9 8AX 46 0 52.607439 -1.920585
WS9 8AY 8 0 52.606666 -1.920158
WS9 8AZ 12 0 52.608221 -1.920791
WS9 8BA 37 0 52.609865 -1.918971
WS9 8BB 26 0 52.609549 -1.916461
WS9 8BD 9 1 52.610133 -1.920309
WS9 8BE 54 0 52.609365 -1.923668
WS9 8BG 30 29 52.602244 -1.942367
WS9 8BL 12 6 52.613353 -1.937893
WS9 8BN 1 1 52.611878 -1.932244