all postcodes in WS / Walsall

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District

WS / Walsall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS1 4ND 1 1 52.567227 -1.994911
WS1 4NG 1 1 52.567874 -1.994395
WS1 4NH 1 1 52.563073 -1.991032
WS1 4NL 1 1 52.566247 -1.999942
WS1 4NN 2 2 52.566748 -1.995142
WS1 4NR 19 0 52.566507 -1.987225
WS1 4NS 18 0 52.565923 -1.986517
WS1 4NT 1 1 52.569358 -1.993775
WS1 4NU 30 23 52.578221 -1.989922
WS1 4NW 37 0 52.565078 -1.987948
WS1 4NX 1 1 52.565456 -1.994041
WS1 4PA 13 0 52.566031 -1.985514
WS1 4SA 1 1 52.565519 -1.991164
WS1 4SB 9 8 52.566409 -1.992256
WS1 4SD 1 1 52.563568 -1.98668
WS1 4TS 1 1 52.565096 -1.991961
WS1 4PB 0 52.564907 -1.985071
WS1 4SE 1 52.564377 -1.98932
WS1 4AG 1 52.568728 -1.994085
WS1 9SA 1 52.586464 -1.980872