all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 1HQ 2 2 52.585667 -2.125863
WV1 1HR 271 0 52.595268 -2.129145
WV1 1HT 11 8 52.587369 -2.12302
WV1 1HU 1 1 52.587254 -2.123719
WV1 1HW 7 1 52.586434 -2.125813
WV1 1HZ 14 9 52.58755 -2.124798
WV1 1JA 3 2 52.58736 -2.125624
WV1 1JD 2 2 52.588033 -2.124379
WV1 1JJ 3 1 52.589539 -2.122324
WV1 1JN 14 0 52.59013 -2.124658
WV1 1JP 8 4 52.58843 -2.125789
WV1 1JS 1 0 52.587891 -2.125507
WV1 1JY 1 1 52.591003 -2.123715
WV1 1LD 9 9 52.586417 -2.122471
WV1 1LE 5 5 52.587681 -2.120163
WV1 1LG 1 1 52.586932 -2.122995
WV1 1LJ 1 1 52.588416 -2.122055
WV1 1LR 18 0 52.586926 -2.126
WV1 1LX 2 2 52.586988 -2.126207
WV1 1LY 1 1 52.587529 -2.12806