all postcodes in WV1 / WILLENHALL

find any address or company within the WV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV1 3LL 7 0 52.58405 -2.118722
WV1 3LN 11 3 52.583645 -2.11715
WV1 3LP 2 2 52.583691 -2.115231
WV1 3LQ 1 1 52.584361 -2.122132
WV1 3LR 1 1 52.584467 -2.115919
WV1 3LS 1 1 52.584947 -2.118054
WV1 3LT 6 6 52.584229 -2.117019
WV1 3LX 2 2 52.583801 -2.113756
WV1 3LY 1 1 52.583998 -2.116656
WV1 3NA 3 2 52.585389 -2.127744
WV1 3NB 8 8 52.58511 -2.128126
WV1 3NG 1 1 52.585218 -2.128038
WV1 3NH 1 1 52.585081 -2.128135
WV1 3NJ 20 16 52.584481 -2.128287
WV1 3NN 12 6 52.58464 -2.12806
WV1 3NP 21 14 52.584594 -2.129432
WV1 3NU 7 2 52.584498 -2.128966
WV1 3NW 1 0 52.584235 -2.128855
WV1 3NX 12 10 52.584605 -2.129911
WV1 3PJ 14 12 52.58372 -2.130507