all postcodes in WV10 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV10 0PG 5 3 52.59471 -2.108676
WV10 0PP 57 0 52.593923 -2.107721
WV10 0PR 55 1 52.593284 -2.107557
WV10 0PS 42 0 52.59351 -2.106731
WV10 0PU 50 0 52.593673 -2.105506
WV10 0PW 50 0 52.593914 -2.107677
WV10 0PX 52 0 52.593682 -2.105565
WV10 0PY 34 1 52.592487 -2.104573
WV10 0QA 6 0 52.592478 -2.10509
WV10 0QB 18 5 52.592999 -2.104855
WV10 0QE 9 1 52.594216 -2.100798
WV10 0QF 22 0 52.596072 -2.096138
WV10 0QH 47 0 52.597805 -2.098887
WV10 0QJ 64 0 52.597139 -2.099654
WV10 0QL 8 0 52.597992 -2.100851
WV10 0QN 22 0 52.598541 -2.100218
WV10 0QP 1 1 52.599722 -2.095555
WV10 0QQ 23 3 52.595781 -2.097666
WV10 0QW 50 0 52.597877 -2.09843
WV10 0QZ 13 0 52.591096 -2.112231