all postcodes in WV2 / WOLVERHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV2 4DU 3 52.578737 -2.127709
WV2 4DX 1 52.581219 -2.126565
WV2 4EF 1 52.576963 -2.130065
WV2 4EJ 2 52.580143 -2.130334
WV2 4EN 2 52.579262 -2.132876
WV2 4ET 1 52.579091 -2.133038
WV2 4HD 1 52.580151 -2.13369
WV2 4HE 18 52.57767 -2.133211
WV2 4HH 6 52.578076 -2.132031
WV2 4HJ 2 52.576985 -2.132302
WV2 4HL 1 52.576908 -2.131275
WV2 4HN 13 52.578749 -2.130905
WV2 4HP 5 52.577473 -2.129854
WV2 4HX 7 52.577645 -2.129308
WV2 4JH 5 52.577656 -2.129949
WV2 4JS 5 52.578825 -2.129407
WV2 4JW 16 52.579355 -2.130102
WV2 4JX 3 52.577737 -2.127361
WV2 4JZ 1 52.579553 -2.129542
WV2 4LA 3 52.574177 -2.134699