all postcodes in WV6 / WOLVERHAMPTON

find any address or company within the WV6 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV6 6SZ 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV6 6TA 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV6 6TB 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV6 6TD 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV6 6TE 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV6 6TF 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV6 6TG 1 52.625667 -2.191961
WV6 6FS 1 52.600558 -2.133398
WV6 6FW 1 1 52.600558 -2.133398
WV6 6GB 1 0 52.600558 -2.133398
WV6 6GD 1 0 52.600558 -2.133398
WV6 6ZZ 1 1 52.600558 -2.133398
WV6 6GE 1 1 52.600573 -2.133392
WV6 6GG 1 0 52.600573 -2.133392
WV6 6GH 1 1 52.600573 -2.133392
WV6 6GJ 1 0 52.600573 -2.133392
WV6 7AA 0 52.591406 -2.232242
WV6 7AB 0 52.591554 -2.234649
WV6 7AD 0 52.591361 -2.241247
WV6 7AE 0 52.592901 -2.240148