all postcodes in WV6 / WOLVERHAMPTON

find any address or company within the WV6 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV6 0LA 1 0 52.596488 -2.159915
WV6 0LB 6 5 52.596409 -2.159
WV6 0LE 11 7 52.595969 -2.158216
WV6 0LF 15 1 52.595896 -2.159175
WV6 0LG 13 0 52.595141 -2.159054
WV6 0LH 78 3 52.594852 -2.160529
WV6 0LJ 12 0 52.593284 -2.156538
WV6 0LL 9 0 52.593361 -2.159195
WV6 0LN 7 0 52.593336 -2.157881
WV6 0LP 5 0 52.59288 -2.155651
WV6 0LQ 25 0 52.596065 -2.160371
WV6 0LR 65 0 52.591909 -2.155942
WV6 0LS 65 0 52.592483 -2.156978
WV6 0LT 24 0 52.593903 -2.157529
WV6 0LU 38 0 52.594576 -2.15796
WV6 0LW 20 0 52.59294 -2.157954
WV6 0LX 14 0 52.597205 -2.13262
WV6 0LZ 1 1 52.59577 -2.130431
WV6 0NB 7 0 52.596605 -2.131408
WV6 0ND 22 0 52.596244 -2.132219