53 Upper Weybourne Lane, FARNHAM, GU9 9DF
Overview of GU9 9DF
GU9 9
- No. of addresses
- total (41 residential / 0 business)
- District
- Waverley
- Region
- South East
- Constituency
- South West Surrey
- Latitude
- 51.235096
- Ward
- Farnham Weybourne and Badshot
- County
- Surrey
- Country
- England
- MP
- Jeremy Hunt (Conservative)
- Longitude
- -0.780547
Police Force for GU9 9DF
NHS Trust for GU9 9DF
- NHS Frimley CCG
Demographic Data for GU9 9DF in Output Area E00157566
- Density
- 1803 people per km squared
- Health
- English Speaking
- Migrant
- Not Known
- No. of Students
- 296 students
- Distance to Work
- 8 km
- Male / Female
Demographic data is based on the most recent census data available for the area. The area is based on
the Output Area that the address falls within.
Source: Office for National Statistics
Source: Office for National Statistics
Religion in GU9 9DF
- No Religion
- Christian
- Muslim
- Hindu
- Sikh
- Jewish
- Buddhist
- Other
Ethnicity in GU9 9DF
- Asian
- Black
- Mixed
- White
- Other
Work Hours in GU9 9DF
- 15 or Less
- 16 - 30 Hours
- 31 to 48 Hours
- 49 or More
Amenities in GU9 9DF
Health Care
Nearest Health Care Facilities
Hospitals / Doctors
- Farnham Community Hospital- 1.63 Miles
- The Cambridge Practice, Aldershot- 1.68 Miles
- Princes Gardens Surgery, Aldershot- 1.97 Miles
- Aldershot Centre for Health- 2.38 Miles
- The Border Practice, Aldershot- 2.84 Miles
- Heahth End Pharmacy, Farnham- 0.6 Miles
- Bourne Pharmacy- 4.36 Miles
- Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic, Farnham- 2.65 Miles
- Northlane Dental Practice, Aldershot- 2.93 Miles
- Belle Vue Dental Laboratory, Aldershot- 3.27 Miles
Amenities in GU9 9DF
Nearest Schools
- William Cobbett Primary School, Farnham- 0.35 Miles
- All Hallows Catholic School, Farnham- 0.56 Miles
- St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Aldershot- 1.21 Miles
- Badshot Lea Village Infant School, Farnham- 1.28 Miles
- Rowhill School, Aldershot- 1.5 Miles
- Co-op Food, Farnham- 0.34 Miles
- Tesco Express, Farnham- 1.42 Miles
- Sainsbury's, Farnham- 1.47 Miles
- Morrisons, Aldershot- 1.8 Miles
- Tesco, Aldershot- 1.82 Miles
Walking Routes
- Wellesley Green Route- 3.31 Miles
Hiking Routes
- Medieval Waverley (SCC)- 5.09 Miles
- North Downs Way (Western)- 6.87 Miles
- Basingstoke Canal- 7.34 Miles
- Blackwater Valley Path- 8.87 Miles
- St Swithun's Way- 21.8 Miles
Cycling Routes
Companies in GU9 9DF
Property sales in GU9 9DF
The average property value in GU9 9DF is 207,249. The highest value property is 493,000 and the lowest is 55,000.
Following are the details about property sale history in GU9 9DF.
Address | Sale Price | Sale Date |
38 Upper Weybourne Lane | £60,000 | 1995-06-23 |
32 Upper Weybourne Lane | £69,950 | 1996-08-15 |
35 Upper Weybourne Lane | £69,950 | 1996-07-31 |
54 Upper Weybourne Lane | £65,000 | 1996-04-01 |
36 Upper Weybourne Lane | £65,000 | 1996-07-26 |
34 Upper Weybourne Lane | £55,000 | 1996-07-17 |
58 Upper Weybourne Lane | £95,000 | 1997-08-13 |
61 Upper Weybourne Lane | £99,950 | 1997-08-26 |
40 Upper Weybourne Lane | £75,950 | 1997-06-12 |
67 Upper Weybourne Lane | £140,000 | 1998-04-17 |
47 Upper Weybourne Lane | £135,000 | 1999-10-19 |
54 Upper Weybourne Lane | £125,000 | 2000-11-03 |
65 Upper Weybourne Lane | £169,950 | 2001-07-13 |
44 Upper Weybourne Lane | £130,000 | 2001-07-25 |
37 Upper Weybourne Lane | £140,000 | 2002-09-17 |
51 Upper Weybourne Lane | £185,000 | 2002-03-21 |
44 Upper Weybourne Lane | £188,000 | 2003-04-28 |
37 Upper Weybourne Lane | £160,500 | 2003-04-04 |
63 Upper Weybourne Lane | £250,000 | 2003-07-18 |
39 Upper Weybourne Lane | £160,750 | 2004-02-20 |
56 Upper Weybourne Lane | £207,000 | 2004-06-24 |
48 Upper Weybourne Lane | £275,000 | 2005-01-31 |
52 Upper Weybourne Lane | £134,000 | 2005-12-06 |
33 Upper Weybourne Lane | £170,000 | 2005-11-04 |
49 Upper Weybourne Lane | £247,500 | 2006-10-27 |
44 Upper Weybourne Lane | £243,800 | 2006-12-08 |
56 Upper Weybourne Lane | £165,000 | 2007-12-20 |
48 Upper Weybourne Lane | £290,000 | 2007-04-25 |
35 Upper Weybourne Lane | £270,000 | 2008-12-19 |
56 Upper Weybourne Lane | £183,000 | 2008-07-29 |
63 Upper Weybourne Lane | £297,500 | 2009-12-03 |
41 Upper Weybourne Lane | £195,000 | 2009-04-03 |
44 Upper Weybourne Lane | £225,000 | 2009-06-12 |
77 Upper Weybourne Lane | £230,000 | 2010-06-30 |
61 Upper Weybourne Lane | £220,000 | 2010-11-23 |
61 Upper Weybourne Lane | £250,000 | 2010-06-08 |
37 Upper Weybourne Lane | £217,000 | 2012-03-23 |
48 Upper Weybourne Lane | £300,000 | 2013-11-06 |
54 Upper Weybourne Lane | £235,000 | 2014-02-07 |
54 Upper Weybourne Lane | £249,950 | 2014-03-10 |
42 Upper Weybourne Lane | £240,000 | 2014-10-17 |
61 Upper Weybourne Lane | £295,000 | 2014-01-17 |
37 Upper Weybourne Lane | £309,950 | 2015-11-27 |
69 Upper Weybourne Lane | £305,000 | 2015-07-29 |
56 Upper Weybourne Lane | £157,000 | 2015-05-08 |
54 Upper Weybourne Lane | £330,000 | 2016-12-12 |
54 Upper Weybourne Lane | £320,000 | 2017-11-24 |
33 Upper Weybourne Lane | £370,000 | 2019-06-17 |
47 Upper Weybourne Lane | £368,000 | 2019-08-20 |
37 Upper Weybourne Lane | £337,000 | 2020-01-13 |
75 Upper Weybourne Lane | £493,000 | 2021-09-30 |