20 Glasgow Street, NORTHAMPTON, NN5 5BL
Overview of NN5 5BL
NN5 5
- No. of addresses
- total (45 residential / 0 business)
- District
- Northampton
- Region
- East Midlands
- Constituency
- Northampton South
- Latitude
- 52.24192
- Ward
- St James
- County
- Northamptonshire
- Country
- England
- MP
- Andrew Lewer (Conservative)
- Longitude
- -0.921205
Police Force for NN5 5BL
NHS Trust for NN5 5BL
- No NHS Trust found for this postcode
Demographic Data for NN5 5BL in Output Area E00138560
- Density
- 8771 people per km squared
- Health
- English Speaking
- Migrant
- Not Known
- No. of Students
- 286 students
- Distance to Work
- 6 km
- Male / Female
Demographic data is based on the most recent census data available for the area. The area is based on
the Output Area that the address falls within.
Source: Office for National Statistics
Source: Office for National Statistics
Religion in NN5 5BL
- No Religion
- Christian
- Muslim
- Hindu
- Sikh
- Jewish
- Buddhist
- Other
Ethnicity in NN5 5BL
- Asian
- Black
- Mixed
- White
- Other
Work Hours in NN5 5BL
- 15 or Less
- 16 - 30 Hours
- 31 to 48 Hours
- 49 or More
Amenities in NN5 5BL
Health Care
Nearest Health Care Facilities
Hospitals / Doctors
- St Luke's Primary Care Centre, Northampton- 1.32 Miles
- Mounts Medical Centre, Northampton- 1.61 Miles
- Leicester Terrace Health Centre, Northampton- 1.65 Miles
- Northampton General Hospital, Northampton- 2.62 Miles
- Podiatry Clinic- 2.92 Miles
- Boots, Northampton- 1.01 Miles
- Well Pharmacy, Northampton- 1.63 Miles
- Rowtree Dental Surgery, Northampton- 4.3 Miles
Amenities in NN5 5BL
Nearest Schools
- St James Church of England Primary School, Northampton- 0.34 Miles
- Lyncrest Primary School, Northampton- 0.55 Miles
- Earl Spencer Primary School, Northampton- 0.92 Miles
- Chiltern Primary School, Northampton- 1 Miles
- St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Northampton- 1.17 Miles
- ALDI, Northampton- 0.6 Miles
- M&S Simply Food, Northampton- 0.91 Miles
- Sainsbury's, Northampton- 1.12 Miles
- Lidl, Northampton- 1.58 Miles
- Sing Long Oriental Supermarket, Northampton- 1.69 Miles
Walking Routes
Hiking Routes
- Northamptonshire Round- 3.42 Miles
- Nene Way- 42.2 Miles
- Midshires Way- 50.51 Miles
Cycling Routes
Companies in NN5 5BL
Property sales in NN5 5BL
The average property value in NN5 5BL is 108,181. The highest value property is 284,000 and the lowest is 18,000.
Following are the details about property sale history in NN5 5BL.
Address | Sale Price | Sale Date |
2 Glasgow Street | £46,000 | 1995-09-01 |
32 Glasgow Street | £36,500 | 1995-11-17 |
32 Glasgow Street | £22,000 | 1995-04-27 |
4 Glasgow Street | £31,000 | 1995-07-21 |
12 Glasgow Street | £34,000 | 1995-06-30 |
54 Glasgow Street | £40,000 | 1995-07-07 |
26 Glasgow Street | £30,000 | 1995-06-09 |
66 Glasgow Street | £20,105 | 1996-04-30 |
26 Glasgow Street | £37,000 | 1996-03-15 |
84 Glasgow Street | £69,000 | 1997-12-17 |
84 Glasgow Street | £35,950 | 1997-04-16 |
48 Glasgow Street | £31,000 | 1998-04-08 |
48 Glasgow Street | £58,000 | 1998-12-11 |
56 Glasgow Street | £45,000 | 1998-10-23 |
26 Glasgow Street | £47,000 | 1998-12-04 |
28 Glasgow Street | £35,250 | 1998-06-12 |
84 Glasgow Street | £80,000 | 1999-10-01 |
4 Glasgow Street | £44,500 | 1999-04-30 |
82 Glasgow Street | £82,000 | 1999-09-24 |
78 Glasgow Street | £73,750 | 1999-06-18 |
42 Glasgow Street | £53,000 | 1999-12-17 |
6 Glasgow Street | £45,000 | 1999-04-09 |
36 Glasgow Street | £18,000 | 1999-08-04 |
66 Glasgow Street | £52,000 | 1999-11-22 |
20 Glasgow Street | £48,000 | 1999-11-04 |
10 Glasgow Street | £47,000 | 2000-03-24 |
26 Glasgow Street | £65,000 | 2000-11-10 |
52 Glasgow Street | £57,000 | 2000-02-18 |
48 Glasgow Street | £74,995 | 2000-04-05 |
4 Glasgow Street | £48,500 | 2000-04-28 |
48 Glasgow Street | £81,995 | 2000-08-18 |
10 Glasgow Street | £83,000 | 2001-04-27 |
80 Glasgow Street | £40,000 | 2001-09-03 |
76 Glasgow Street | £59,000 | 2001-02-09 |
34 Glasgow Street | £70,000 | 2001-10-22 |
54 Glasgow Street | £76,500 | 2001-07-13 |
24 Glasgow Street | £68,000 | 2001-06-22 |
78 Glasgow Street | £100,000 | 2001-12-13 |
66 Glasgow Street | £89,750 | 2001-10-22 |
12 Glasgow Street | £64,995 | 2001-05-15 |
64 Glasgow Street | £90,000 | 2001-12-11 |
48 Glasgow Street | £99,995 | 2001-12-07 |
2 Glasgow Street | £84,995 | 2002-05-24 |
20 Glasgow Street | £87,500 | 2002-04-22 |
52 Glasgow Street | £94,000 | 2002-04-19 |
18 Glasgow Street | £76,000 | 2002-04-17 |
16 Glasgow Street | £89,000 | 2002-10-28 |
34 Glasgow Street | £120,000 | 2003-06-13 |
10 Glasgow Street | £113,000 | 2003-10-17 |
50 Glasgow Street | £92,000 | 2003-09-12 |
26 Glasgow Street | £104,995 | 2003-04-17 |
76 Glasgow Street | £123,000 | 2003-03-14 |
32 Glasgow Street | £51,600 | 2003-08-22 |
10 Glasgow Street | £104,000 | 2003-05-21 |
50 Glasgow Street | £149,000 | 2004-05-14 |
52 Glasgow Street | £122,500 | 2004-01-30 |
18 Glasgow Street | £110,000 | 2004-04-08 |
24 Glasgow Street | £121,000 | 2004-05-07 |
76 Glasgow Street | £150,000 | 2004-07-30 |
46 Glasgow Street | £128,000 | 2004-11-26 |
40 Glasgow Street | £130,000 | 2005-03-10 |
12 Glasgow Street | £120,000 | 2005-04-28 |
2 Glasgow Street | £125,000 | 2005-09-07 |
74 Glasgow Street | £130,000 | 2005-09-02 |
82 Glasgow Street | £166,000 | 2005-03-24 |
38 Glasgow Street | £165,000 | 2006-11-13 |
48 Glasgow Street | £139,995 | 2006-09-29 |
38 Glasgow Street | £120,000 | 2006-03-17 |
20 Glasgow Street | £128,000 | 2006-06-05 |
64 Glasgow Street | £130,000 | 2006-03-31 |
18 Glasgow Street | £115,000 | 2006-04-11 |
12 Glasgow Street | £148,500 | 2007-07-11 |
78 Glasgow Street | £191,000 | 2007-12-11 |
68 Glasgow Street | £158,000 | 2007-03-02 |
44 Glasgow Street | £148,000 | 2008-08-14 |
76 Glasgow Street | £152,000 | 2008-04-28 |
54 Glasgow Street | £151,000 | 2008-01-09 |
70 Glasgow Street | £162,000 | 2009-10-09 |
26 Glasgow Street | £124,000 | 2009-11-16 |
30 Glasgow Street | £100,000 | 2010-10-04 |
32 Glasgow Street | £90,000 | 2012-08-20 |
26 Glasgow Street | £130,000 | 2012-11-23 |
74 Glasgow Street | £129,000 | 2013-01-18 |
36 Glasgow Street | £119,000 | 2013-11-22 |
40 Glasgow Street | £149,950 | 2014-07-01 |
46 Glasgow Street | £143,000 | 2014-05-08 |
20 Glasgow Street | £131,400 | 2014-06-13 |
80 Glasgow Street | £155,000 | 2015-01-16 |
24 Glasgow Street | £131,000 | 2015-02-13 |
82 Glasgow Street | £183,000 | 2015-04-24 |
80 Glasgow Street | £213,000 | 2016-10-11 |
26 Glasgow Street | £157,000 | 2016-11-11 |
2 Glasgow Street | £123,500 | 2016-03-18 |
68 Glasgow Street | £185,000 | 2017-08-25 |
62 Glasgow Street | £130,000 | 2017-11-07 |
52 Glasgow Street | £185,000 | 2017-12-11 |
76 Glasgow Street | £152,000 | 2017-01-27 |
36 Glasgow Street | £210,000 | 2018-06-29 |
68 Glasgow Street | £210,000 | 2019-11-21 |
82 Glasgow Street | £258,500 | 2019-10-24 |
18 Glasgow Street | £160,000 | 2019-11-22 |
36 Glasgow Street | £195,000 | 2019-04-12 |
50 Glasgow Street | £204,000 | 2019-01-24 |
78 Glasgow Street | £284,000 | 2020-11-27 |
8 Glasgow Street | £165,000 | 2021-06-25 |
36 Glasgow Street | £220,000 | 2021-07-30 |