all postcodes in AB10 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB10 6AU 8 0 57.132505 -2.115142
AB10 6AX 13 0 57.131273 -2.115733
AB10 6AY 49 0 57.131942 -2.111638
AB10 6BA 4 0 57.132148 -2.112465
AB10 6BB 33 0 57.132608 -2.10979
AB10 6BE 52 0 57.132713 -2.112945
AB10 6BF 14 0 57.133521 -2.113658
AB10 6BJ 27 0 57.13051 -2.115912
AB10 6BL 20 5 57.138102 -2.113986
AB10 6BN 9 3 57.139522 -2.113495
AB10 6BP 12 4 57.139872 -2.11338
AB10 6BQ 45 7 57.140486 -2.113208
AB10 6BR 39 6 57.141427 -2.112658
AB10 6BS 46 7 57.142398 -2.111802
AB10 6BT 15 5 57.142317 -2.112512
AB10 6BU 21 0 57.12963 -2.115199
AB10 6BW 12 0 57.129873 -2.11444
AB10 6BX 30 6 57.141436 -2.113286
AB10 6BY 35 8 57.1406 -2.113647
AB10 6BZ 1 1 57.13857 -2.112996