all postcodes in AB10 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB10 1WS 1 1 57.11134 -2.094009
AB10 1RS 2 2 57.146248 -2.108697
AB10 1AB 1 57.149606 -2.096916
AB10 1BJ 2 2 57.146042 -2.107374
AB10 1BL 3 1 57.148458 -2.097631
AB10 1BP 1 1 57.148942 -2.098475
AB10 6AA 43 7 57.135578 -2.114325
AB10 6AB 18 0 57.134754 -2.114429
AB10 6AD 52 0 57.134221 -2.114784
AB10 6AE 8 0 57.134131 -2.114222
AB10 6AG 72 0 57.13593 -2.11246
AB10 6AH 22 1 57.134671 -2.114009
AB10 6AJ 71 0 57.134475 -2.111431
AB10 6AL 38 0 57.133972 -2.111991
AB10 6AN 20 0 57.133685 -2.110883
AB10 6AP 82 0 57.133227 -2.111278
AB10 6AQ 6 0 57.133556 -2.11465
AB10 6AR 12 0 57.133196 -2.115028
AB10 6AS 30 1 57.132702 -2.115688
AB10 6AT 14 0 57.131606 -2.115849