all postcodes in AB10 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB10 1TY 23 0 57.145271 -2.113331
AB10 1TZ 28 1 57.145379 -2.113678
AB10 1UA 16 8 57.143693 -2.110781
AB10 1UB 45 14 57.14459 -2.111957
AB10 1UD 32 10 57.144404 -2.111369
AB10 1UE 8 0 57.145973 -2.11254
AB10 1UG 72 0 57.144816 -2.112692
AB10 1UH 49 0 57.145838 -2.112903
AB10 1UJ 33 0 57.145038 -2.113264
AB10 1UL 14 9 57.143564 -2.126023
AB10 1UN 14 4 57.143843 -2.122465
AB10 1UP 25 18 57.144121 -2.123358
AB10 1UQ 12 12 57.144593 -2.121136
AB10 1UR 13 9 57.145053 -2.118774
AB10 1US 18 7 57.144593 -2.118319
AB10 1UT 7 4 57.145567 -2.116479
AB10 1UU 34 1 57.144364 -2.113758
AB10 1UW 8 0 57.144564 -2.113071
AB10 1UX 33 0 57.145201 -2.11466
AB10 1UY 37 8 57.143871 -2.112203