all postcodes in AB12 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB12 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB12 5BH 8 0 57.119344 -2.093864
AB12 5BJ 3 0 57.118743 -2.092954
AB12 5BL 26 0 57.121155 -2.099517
AB12 5BN 38 0 57.121021 -2.098525
AB12 5BP 8 0 57.121836 -2.10117
AB12 5BQ 12 0 57.121243 -2.101482
AB12 5BR 9 1 57.121709 -2.102359
AB12 5BS 39 1 57.120416 -2.101596
AB12 5BT 7 7 57.120696 -2.102711
AB12 5DF 1 1 57.121054 -2.101746
AB12 5BU 12 0 57.119492 -2.102955
AB12 5BX 6 0 57.119454 -2.102567
AB12 5BY 12 0 57.119511 -2.102064
AB12 5BZ 5 0 57.082699 -2.238588
AB12 5DA 20 0 57.120653 -2.097286
AB12 5DB 28 0 57.120168 -2.097136
AB12 5DD 4 0 57.119493 -2.099199
AB12 5DE 16 0 57.119339 -2.100205
AB12 5DH 52 0 57.118988 -2.102071
AB12 5DJ 45 0 57.117975 -2.099525