all postcodes in AB12 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB12 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB12 5DL 6 0 57.118647 -2.101128
AB12 5DN 8 0 57.118405 -2.09984
AB12 5DP 4 0 57.117779 -2.096453
AB12 5DQ 26 0 57.118311 -2.094522
AB12 5DR 12 0 57.118832 -2.094061
AB12 5DS 7 0 57.118966 -2.094904
AB12 5DT 3 0 57.118957 -2.095498
AB12 5DX 46 0 57.118561 -2.096769
AB12 5EA 6 0 57.118406 -2.098634
AB12 5EB 16 0 57.118902 -2.096753
AB12 5ED 30 0 57.119009 -2.097761
AB12 5EJ 13 0 57.119425 -2.094558
AB12 5EL 30 0 57.119899 -2.096904
AB12 5EN 40 0 57.119278 -2.097877
AB12 5EP 16 0 57.119133 -2.09999
AB12 5EQ 30 0 57.118376 -2.103093
AB12 5ER 28 0 57.117826 -2.104858
AB12 5ES 20 0 57.117844 -2.105403
AB12 5ET 4 0 57.11699 -2.106045
AB12 5EX 4 0 57.117403 -2.106541