all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 7PY 15 0 57.125534 -2.141349
AB15 7PZ 12 0 57.126161 -2.142557
AB15 7QA 26 0 57.123604 -2.147782
AB15 7QB 43 0 57.131082 -2.151727
AB15 7QD 30 0 57.130069 -2.149989
AB15 7QE 10 0 57.131138 -2.150142
AB15 7QF 3 0 57.131185 -2.148606
AB15 7QG 1 0 57.130449 -2.140558
AB15 7QH 28 0 57.130644 -2.150189
AB15 7QJ 10 0 57.130119 -2.153474
AB15 7QL 36 0 57.129589 -2.153571
AB15 7QN 24 0 57.129443 -2.15519
AB15 7QP 20 0 57.128507 -2.156821
AB15 7QQ 22 0 57.129648 -2.156281
AB15 7QR 21 0 57.13034 -2.156614
AB15 7QS 35 0 57.12888 -2.160027
AB15 7QT 22 0 57.129168 -2.159714
AB15 7QU 12 0 57.129297 -2.157138
AB15 7QW 4 0 57.128608 -2.154591
AB15 7QX 3 0 57.130211 -2.158695