all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 7QY 8 0 57.129376 -2.158542
AB15 7QZ 2 0 57.130088 -2.159345
AB15 7RA 16 0 57.130618 -2.156995
AB15 7RB 10 0 57.130768 -2.159292
AB15 7RD 17 0 57.130056 -2.160908
AB15 7RE 9 0 57.130351 -2.16157
AB15 7RF 2 2 57.131996 -2.149062
AB15 7RH 22 0 57.130049 -2.15174
AB15 7RJ 25 1 57.129166 -2.146549
AB15 7RL 27 0 57.129449 -2.142768
AB15 7RN 33 0 57.129646 -2.143396
AB15 7RP 16 0 57.129671 -2.145081
AB15 7RQ 7 0 57.128118 -2.143952
AB15 7RR 17 0 57.129463 -2.145857
AB15 7RS 14 0 57.133717 -2.149458
AB15 7RT 8 0 57.133501 -2.150168
AB15 7RU 5 0 57.127838 -2.144975
AB15 7RW 4 0 57.127318 -2.14418
AB15 7RX 48 0 57.133292 -2.151456
AB15 7RY 31 0 57.129405 -2.142024