all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 8BQ 47 0 57.145162 -2.176458
AB15 8BR 22 2 57.139353 -2.146788
AB15 8BS 14 1 57.138758 -2.148074
AB15 8BT 47 0 57.137168 -2.148498
AB15 8BW 47 0 57.14658 -2.177291
AB15 8BX 16 2 57.138541 -2.149709
AB15 8DA 4 1 57.137173 -2.151554
AB15 8DB 14 0 57.139006 -2.151
AB15 8DD 5 0 57.139715 -2.151531
AB15 8DE 12 0 57.138488 -2.150839
AB15 8DF 1 0 57.134079 -2.162081
AB15 8DG 40 0 57.16106 -2.207069
AB15 8DH 56 0 57.160467 -2.20733
AB15 8DJ 7 0 57.140252 -2.15307
AB15 8DL 18 0 57.140097 -2.155152
AB15 8DN 9 1 57.14095 -2.155783
AB15 8DP 5 0 57.141289 -2.157338
AB15 8DQ 2 0 57.141012 -2.158814
AB15 8DR 20 0 57.142022 -2.160266
AB15 8DS 7 0 57.142789 -2.164185