all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 8DT 30 0 57.143758 -2.165445
AB15 8DU 9 0 57.16014 -2.209643
AB15 8DW 16 0 57.159304 -2.21506
AB15 8DX 13 0 57.144443 -2.170059
AB15 8DY 41 0 57.160252 -2.212123
AB15 8DZ 9 0 57.160272 -2.211363
AB15 8EA 33 0 57.144043 -2.174172
AB15 8EB 41 0 57.143189 -2.174383
AB15 8ED 24 0 57.142618 -2.173428
AB15 8EE 48 0 57.160124 -2.213643
AB15 8EF 22 0 57.161683 -2.215967
AB15 8EG 15 0 57.160937 -2.216475
AB15 8EH 15 0 57.160651 -2.215432
AB15 8EJ 39 0 57.142355 -2.173338
AB15 8EL 30 0 57.142616 -2.172595
AB15 8EN 24 0 57.142149 -2.173138
AB15 8EP 32 0 57.143217 -2.173209
AB15 8EQ 46 0 57.143577 -2.172798
AB15 8ER 46 0 57.143327 -2.172004
AB15 8ES 46 0 57.142914 -2.171605