all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 9BG 3 0 57.118944 -2.209624
AB15 9BH 8 0 57.117591 -2.207354
AB15 9BJ 7 0 57.114586 -2.204597
AB15 9BL 7 0 57.116097 -2.203763
AB15 9BN 12 1 57.117469 -2.199576
AB15 9BP 1 0 57.120321 -2.202531
AB15 9BQ 13 0 57.121074 -2.209025
AB15 9BR 3 0 57.123112 -2.209549
AB15 9BS 7 0 57.123779 -2.213698
AB15 9BT 10 0 57.129424 -2.211269
AB15 9BU 13 0 57.119478 -2.201552
AB15 9BW 7 0 57.119164 -2.201286
AB15 9BX 3 0 57.13423 -2.202465
AB15 9BY 7 0 57.118257 -2.201166
AB15 9BZ 22 0 57.117765 -2.199759
AB15 9DA 5 0 57.126943 -2.201295
AB15 9DB 9 5 57.112396 -2.197782
AB15 9DD 5 0 57.112279 -2.198343
AB15 9DJ 19 0 57.111324 -2.199609
AB15 9DL 11 2 57.110767 -2.194306