all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 9DN 3 0 57.111705 -2.197498
AB15 9DP 4 0 57.111912 -2.196888
AB15 9DQ 12 0 57.112158 -2.194726
AB15 9DR 10 0 57.112735 -2.199154
AB15 9DS 22 2 57.111826 -2.20052
AB15 9DT 9 0 57.112182 -2.202734
AB15 9DX 35 5 57.109732 -2.197049
AB15 9DY 1 0 57.111563 -2.202186
AB15 9EA 10 0 57.110779 -2.205507
AB15 9EB 29 0 57.114469 -2.209913
AB15 9ED 2 0 57.111251 -2.20764
AB15 9EJ 21 0 57.111823 -2.213068
AB15 9EL 5 0 57.118225 -2.221665
AB15 9EN 25 5 57.10473 -2.210749
AB15 9EP 1 1 57.103699 -2.211477
AB15 9EQ 6 0 57.109128 -2.213333
AB15 9ER 7 0 57.114846 -2.187459
AB15 9ES 27 0 57.113931 -2.187206
AB15 9ET 5 0 57.114367 -2.189735
AB15 9EU 2 0 57.107784 -2.212556