all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 4DX 6 2 57.144 -2.127836
AB15 4EA 9 1 57.14645 -2.129827
AB15 4EB 8 0 57.147258 -2.130342
AB15 4EG 4 0 57.14751 -2.129699
AB15 4EH 20 0 57.146119 -2.128554
AB15 4EJ 15 3 57.14776 -2.131518
AB15 4EL 73 0 57.146994 -2.133564
AB15 4EN 20 0 57.146096 -2.141394
AB15 4EP 24 0 57.146745 -2.139513
AB15 4EQ 7 0 57.146328 -2.142932
AB15 4ER 60 0 57.146153 -2.138436
AB15 4ES 15 0 57.145353 -2.146762
AB15 4EU 15 0 57.145687 -2.12923
AB15 4EW 6 2 57.144888 -2.128715
AB15 4EY 20 1 57.141786 -2.139808
AB15 4EZ 5 1 57.141675 -2.137402
AB15 4NR 1 1 57.142184 -2.129317
AB15 4NS 54 0 57.135812 -2.131492
AB15 4NT 48 1 57.13548 -2.131904
AB15 4ZT 12 11 57.14255 -2.130954