all postcodes in AB15 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB15 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB15 4NX 35 1 57.135769 -2.130104
AB15 4PA 43 0 57.136335 -2.130023
AB15 4PB 1 1 57.141624 -2.132041
AB15 4PU 8 0 57.136924 -2.133776
AB15 4PW 6 0 57.136546 -2.134154
AB15 4ST 51 0 57.134173 -2.135335
AB15 4TG 6 1 57.135575 -2.126865
AB15 4TH 58 0 57.136579 -2.128207
AB15 4TL 47 1 57.137755 -2.129632
AB15 4TN 32 0 57.137233 -2.129927
AB15 4TT 35 0 57.134948 -2.133735
AB15 4TU 38 0 57.135798 -2.128105
AB15 4TW 3 3 57.135645 -2.128616
AB15 4TX 38 0 57.13546 -2.133589
AB15 4TY 17 0 57.134749 -2.134759
AB15 4TZ 2 0 57.136025 -2.136852
AB15 4UA 14 0 57.137213 -2.14027
AB15 4UB 20 0 57.137424 -2.136206
AB15 4UE 38 0 57.13712 -2.135511
AB15 4UF 16 2 57.136616 -2.135823