all postcodes in AB16 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB16 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB16 7BP 8 0 57.163632 -2.147876
AB16 7BQ 26 0 57.165516 -2.142444
AB16 7BR 15 0 57.165801 -2.145124
AB16 7BS 11 0 57.164831 -2.144293
AB16 7BT 10 0 57.16353 -2.143445
AB16 7BX 4 0 57.163011 -2.14179
AB16 7DA 10 0 57.162929 -2.142632
AB16 7DB 10 3 57.1644 -2.144655
AB16 7DD 20 0 57.166697 -2.146566
AB16 7DE 5 0 57.170064 -2.16252
AB16 7DF 27 0 57.169854 -2.164934
AB16 7DG 7 0 57.17009 -2.163016
AB16 7DH 7 0 57.170315 -2.163232
AB16 7DJ 8 0 57.167037 -2.148204
AB16 7DL 48 0 57.167949 -2.151052
AB16 7DN 12 0 57.170762 -2.16033
AB16 7DP 36 0 57.170578 -2.161299
AB16 7DQ 20 0 57.170648 -2.162275
AB16 7DR 38 0 57.17224 -2.161273
AB16 7DS 29 1 57.172101 -2.157039