all postcodes in AB16 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB16 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB16 7HB 4 0 57.166534 -2.162025
AB16 7HD 12 0 57.166284 -2.161346
AB16 7HJ 4 0 57.165794 -2.164816
AB16 7HL 40 0 57.165908 -2.167231
AB16 7HN 38 0 57.165584 -2.167395
AB16 7HP 4 0 57.165211 -2.164235
AB16 7HQ 4 0 57.165183 -2.165078
AB16 7HR 18 0 57.164563 -2.164827
AB16 7HS 8 0 57.164305 -2.165659
AB16 7HT 44 0 57.16474 -2.167391
AB16 7HX 40 0 57.165269 -2.167625
AB16 7JA 4 0 57.164611 -2.169639
AB16 7JB 10 0 57.164126 -2.169405
AB16 7JD 2 1 57.163969 -2.168203
AB16 7JJ 12 0 57.163713 -2.169023
AB16 7JN 28 0 57.164237 -2.167455
AB16 7JP 18 0 57.163593 -2.165088
AB16 7JQ 2 0 57.162688 -2.166147
AB16 7JR 10 0 57.162772 -2.167862
AB16 7JS 4 0 57.162752 -2.169432