all postcodes in AB21 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB21 0AF 4 4 57.196523 -2.208476
AB21 0BA 1 1 57.216311 -2.19208
AB21 0BF 10 9 57.214138 -2.193829
AB21 0BG 12 11 57.212291 -2.200999
AB21 0DP 16 11 57.212259 -2.194845
AB21 0HB 8 1 57.224639 -2.224516
AB21 0DR 2 0 57.210763 -2.192387
AB21 0DT 9 8 57.212023 -2.19645
AB21 0EQ 12 1 57.217532 -2.214671
AB21 0ET 1 0 57.198776 -2.186726
AB21 0EU 5 4 57.208898 -2.21025
AB21 0EX 1 1 57.21378 -2.196487
AB21 0EY 12 1 57.218259 -2.204393
AB21 0GL 39 30 57.203237 -2.218846
AB21 0GF 5 4 57.201254 -2.220832
AB21 0GG 19 16 57.206951 -2.214179
AB21 0GN 14 12 57.2037 -2.224108
AB21 0GP 26 22 57.208954 -2.219819
AB21 0GQ 2 2 57.205438 -2.213149
AB21 0GR 7 7 57.20898 -2.214969