all postcodes in AB21 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB21 0GS 6 6 57.207793 -2.217929
AB21 0GT 11 8 57.209034 -2.211812
AB21 0GU 20 17 57.202999 -2.21414
AB21 0GW 7 6 57.204293 -2.213684
AB21 0GX 1 1 57.203525 -2.213237
AB21 0GZ 1 1 57.203673 -2.210457
AB21 0HA 6 1 57.226395 -2.20611
AB21 0HD 15 1 57.22476 -2.238648
AB21 0HE 2 0 57.211953 -2.24186
AB21 0HH 12 1 57.210946 -2.225807
AB21 0HJ 3 1 57.198379 -2.222674
AB21 0HN 11 0 57.238673 -2.242146
AB21 0HP 3 2 57.204636 -2.214733
AB21 0HQ 1 0 57.224198 -2.186407
AB21 0HS 4 0 57.226027 -2.19096
AB21 0HT 5 1 57.228458 -2.202677
AB21 0HU 24 0 57.232172 -2.210632
AB21 0HW 42 4 57.200134 -2.173344
AB21 0HX 6 0 57.232676 -2.227767
AB21 0HY 16 0 57.237308 -2.251233