all postcodes in AB21 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB21 7BE 5 0 57.206821 -2.188852
AB21 7BH 16 0 57.206562 -2.187941
AB21 7BJ 16 4 57.206784 -2.189779
AB21 7BL 16 0 57.207435 -2.187217
AB21 7BN 14 0 57.206781 -2.186137
AB21 7BP 32 0 57.207491 -2.185777
AB21 7BQ 35 0 57.207848 -2.187004
AB21 7BR 24 0 57.208666 -2.187024
AB21 7BS 26 0 57.208176 -2.183959
AB21 7BT 14 0 57.207916 -2.184024
AB21 7BU 22 0 57.207646 -2.184023
AB21 7BX 5 0 57.207288 -2.182813
AB21 7BY 31 0 57.206855 -2.184333
AB21 7DA 39 0 57.209628 -2.186003
AB21 7DB 22 0 57.210609 -2.184634
AB21 7DD 13 0 57.211597 -2.185102
AB21 7DE 20 0 57.211309 -2.185465
AB21 7DG 21 0 57.209424 -2.180511
AB21 7DH 15 0 57.21076 -2.186422
AB21 7DJ 11 1 57.210086 -2.186568