all postcodes in AB23 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB23 8BQ 16 4 57.21149 -2.072865
AB23 8BR 42 0 57.214033 -2.082251
AB23 8BS 12 0 57.216916 -2.08292
AB23 8BT 20 7 57.219205 -2.072261
AB23 8BU 1 1 57.186477 -2.090825
AB23 8BW 1 1 57.188786 -2.090186
AB23 8BX 30 7 57.178132 -2.089961
AB23 8BY 1 1 57.182856 -2.092074
AB23 8BZ 12 0 57.192931 -2.096864
AB23 8DA 19 0 57.181046 -2.084791
AB23 8DB 1 1 57.180119 -2.088147
AB23 8DD 13 1 57.178124 -2.087927
AB23 8DF 10 0 57.182149 -2.09978
AB23 8DJ 6 0 57.178143 -2.087232
AB23 8DL 2 0 57.177282 -2.089089
AB23 8DN 12 0 57.176902 -2.088685
AB23 8DP 23 0 57.177317 -2.086734
AB23 8DQ 17 0 57.177146 -2.087263
AB23 8DR 21 1 57.176456 -2.08488
AB23 8DS 10 0 57.176752 -2.085277