all postcodes in AB23 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB23 8AA 1 1 57.185044 -2.096248
AB23 8AE 12 0 57.190772 -2.10025
AB23 8AG 5 0 57.193055 -2.098436
AB23 8AH 12 0 57.1908 -2.098861
AB23 8AQ 1 0 57.185751 -2.088342
AB23 8AR 51 1 57.217948 -2.070537
AB23 8AT 3 2 57.179717 -2.084093
AB23 8AU 12 0 57.191404 -2.096298
AB23 8AW 11 0 57.192321 -2.096068
AB23 8AX 2 0 57.194946 -2.083307
AB23 8AZ 1 0 57.196191 -2.085636
AB23 8BA 1 1 57.190376 -2.08961
AB23 8BB 1 0 57.192549 -2.090427
AB23 8BD 15 3 57.201021 -2.089372
AB23 8BE 36 4 57.217223 -2.070707
AB23 8EE 28 27 57.18649 -2.096285
AB23 8BJ 10 0 57.205476 -2.102111
AB23 8BL 2 2 57.18614 -2.088085
AB23 8BN 1 0 57.204612 -2.092376
AB23 8BP 7 4 57.205622 -2.086519