all postcodes in AB25 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB25 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB25 2RZ 5 0 57.146143 -2.122538
AB25 2SE 35 0 57.147759 -2.123172
AB25 2SF 6 0 57.147877 -2.122015
AB25 2SG 6 1 57.152785 -2.118726
AB25 2SH 42 1 57.152808 -2.115625
AB25 2SU 29 0 57.152498 -2.118609
AB25 2SW 9 0 57.151943 -2.118383
AB25 2SY 44 0 57.151331 -2.116953
AB25 2SZ 3 0 57.152454 -2.116906
AB25 2TA 63 0 57.149186 -2.115227
AB25 2TB 58 1 57.149594 -2.11103
AB25 2TD 13 0 57.150025 -2.110916
AB25 2TE 9 0 57.152579 -2.118064
AB25 2TF 2 0 57.150256 -2.116923
AB25 2TG 10 1 57.152782 -2.112726
AB25 2TH 15 1 57.153007 -2.111371
AB25 2TJ 32 0 57.150322 -2.111065
AB25 2TL 19 0 57.150124 -2.111627
AB25 2TN 24 4 57.150159 -2.112387
AB25 2TP 30 0 57.149773 -2.112403