all postcodes in AB25 / ABERDEEN

find any address or company within the AB25 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB25 2TQ 32 0 57.149709 -2.113113
AB25 2TR 29 0 57.149879 -2.113411
AB25 2TS 33 1 57.149619 -2.113509
AB25 2TT 6 0 57.15204 -2.118079
AB25 2TZ 42 0 57.149232 -2.114632
AB25 2UA 32 0 57.148992 -2.111855
AB25 2UB 40 0 57.149521 -2.112253
AB25 2UD 32 0 57.149298 -2.111162
AB25 2UE 4 1 57.152585 -2.112014
AB25 2UF 16 0 57.152126 -2.111996
AB25 2UG 16 0 57.151472 -2.110738
AB25 2UH 3 0 57.152103 -2.111226
AB25 2UL 2 2 57.152723 -2.110369
AB25 2UN 16 2 57.152172 -2.110823
AB25 2UP 40 1 57.151141 -2.108853
AB25 2UU 37 2 57.150747 -2.108075
AB25 2UX 15 1 57.151276 -2.109234
AB25 2WB 6 0 57.149819 -2.110667
AB25 2WD 10 0 57.149793 -2.110056
AB25 2WE 34 0 57.151379 -2.113978