all postcodes in AB30 / LAURENCEKIRK

find any address or company within the AB30 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB30 1NL 8 0 56.868659 -2.412491
AB30 1NN 13 1 56.873903 -2.412014
AB30 1NP 9 1 56.870337 -2.407441
AB30 1NQ 5 0 56.864393 -2.400865
AB30 1NR 8 0 56.87316 -2.395529
AB30 1NS 5 0 56.880619 -2.380216
AB30 1NT 10 0 56.872447 -2.370192
AB30 1NU 7 1 56.875031 -2.40869
AB30 1NW 7 0 56.872934 -2.412768
AB30 1NX 13 1 56.877144 -2.364594
AB30 1NY 20 0 56.87384 -2.41578
AB30 1PA 9 2 56.868977 -2.339581
AB30 1PB 6 3 56.869023 -2.330846
AB30 1PD 6 0 56.872367 -2.338267
AB30 1PE 16 0 56.835578 -2.466998
AB30 1PF 6 0 56.869528 -2.331876
AB30 1PJ 11 0 56.886798 -2.350049
AB30 1PL 4 0 56.901241 -2.350841
AB30 1PN 7 1 56.807638 -2.523789
AB30 1PP 4 0 56.800251 -2.522196