all postcodes in AB30 / LAURENCEKIRK

find any address or company within the AB30 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB30 1PQ 3 0 56.799952 -2.539744
AB30 1PR 9 1 56.796736 -2.533411
AB30 1PS 8 0 56.806257 -2.544076
AB30 1PT 13 1 56.828145 -2.552986
AB30 1PX 6 1 56.817832 -2.55137
AB30 1QA 3 1 56.810363 -2.552243
AB30 1QB 2 0 56.806078 -2.573737
AB30 1QD 9 0 56.793109 -2.571437
AB30 1QJ 6 1 56.78729 -2.57089
AB30 1QL 8 1 56.791497 -2.585465
AB30 1QN 4 0 56.784867 -2.570314
AB30 1QP 6 1 56.782313 -2.563025
AB30 1QQ 9 0 56.776132 -2.564928
AB30 1QR 9 2 56.77545 -2.5896
AB30 1QS 9 0 56.787298 -2.58847
AB30 1QT 14 0 56.792547 -2.558562
AB30 1QX 9 0 56.787302 -2.545674
AB30 1RA 7 0 56.801362 -2.550113
AB30 1RB 5 1 56.818821 -2.54724
AB30 1RD 2 0 56.815675 -2.557274