all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 4SG 15 0 57.127731 -2.686495
AB31 4SH 17 0 57.129392 -2.689995
AB31 4SJ 7 0 57.130643 -2.689671
AB31 4SL 15 0 57.13016 -2.689249
AB31 4SN 1 0 57.127313 -2.695605
AB31 4SP 4 0 57.118567 -2.717256
AB31 4SQ 2 0 57.116322 -2.73041
AB31 4SR 6 0 57.1135 -2.706244
AB31 4SS 1 0 57.107758 -2.711285
AB31 4ST 1 1 57.109601 -2.726741
AB31 4SU 4 2 57.129227 -2.687249
AB31 4TE 13 2 57.128005 -2.687309
AB31 4TG 6 0 57.130309 -2.689896
AB31 4TH 32 0 57.12987 -2.691209
AB31 4TQ 5 0 57.062956 -2.497569
AB31 4TR 1 1 57.102421 -2.616451
AB31 4UE 1 1 57.100859 -2.614444
AB31 4YJ 1 1 57.057343 -2.485871
AB31 4DW 6 0 57.062994 -2.49935
AB31 4GA 0 57.062923 -2.538214