all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 4NP 3 0 57.1095 -2.572999
AB31 4NQ 1 0 57.111627 -2.582971
AB31 4NR 3 0 57.114917 -2.588323
AB31 4NT 3 0 57.136101 -2.574566
AB31 4NU 1 0 57.140191 -2.577819
AB31 4NX 5 0 57.140179 -2.593896
AB31 4NY 6 0 57.145093 -2.619903
AB31 4PA 4 0 57.143401 -2.62946
AB31 4PD 5 0 57.141552 -2.6346
AB31 4PE 7 0 57.145582 -2.635182
AB31 4PH 1 0 57.144974 -2.646938
AB31 4PJ 12 0 57.151558 -2.653945
AB31 4PL 1 0 57.148338 -2.633824
AB31 4PN 3 0 57.162884 -2.629708
AB31 4PP 9 0 57.153579 -2.625847
AB31 4PQ 5 0 57.120164 -2.650122
AB31 4PR 3 0 57.132494 -2.687938
AB31 4PS 7 0 57.137397 -2.673406
AB31 4PT 2 0 57.12212 -2.681738
AB31 4PU 4 0 57.123912 -2.666869