all postcodes in AB41 / ELLON

find any address or company within the AB41 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB41 8LR 12 0 57.336259 -2.029618
AB41 8LS 1 0 57.333273 -2.043601
AB41 8LT 25 2 57.336144 -2.051578
AB41 8LU 5 0 57.331433 -2.061005
AB41 8LW 1 0 57.336306 -2.050731
AB41 8LX 34 0 57.330286 -2.056004
AB41 8LY 3 0 57.327025 -2.072241
AB41 8LZ 4 3 57.331787 -2.052253
AB41 8NA 3 0 57.32762 -2.084548
AB41 8NB 4 0 57.324114 -2.088492
AB41 8ND 5 0 57.34146 -2.077274
AB41 8NG 2 0 57.340949 -2.03662
AB41 8NH 1 0 57.34392 -2.033928
AB41 8NJ 3 0 57.340283 -2.056302
AB41 8NL 5 0 57.345541 -2.050179
AB41 8NN 4 1 57.352191 -2.040466
AB41 8NQ 3 0 57.351789 -2.059527
AB41 8NR 4 0 57.357414 -2.07152
AB41 8NS 5 0 57.357351 -2.073314
AB41 8NU 4 0 57.35501 -2.0945